Rice Trait Ontology
TO:0000639 seed fertility
TO:0000420 ! fertility related traitTO:0000184 ! seed morphology trait
TO:0000640 total root number
"Total sum of number of roots in a plant derived per experiment." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000084 ! root number
TO:0000641 inflorescence primary branch length
"An inflorescence primary branch morphology trait (TO:0000846) which the length of a second order inflorescence axis (PO:0006321)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, PO:0006321, TO:moorel]
TO:0000783 ! inflorescence axis sizeTO:0000846 ! inflorescence primary branch morphology trait
TO:0000642 leaf sheath diameter
"A leaf sheath morphology trait (TO:0000835) which is the measurement, in centimeters of the leaf sheath (PO:0020104) diameter." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, PO:0020104, TO:moorel]
TO:0002689 ! leaf sheath length
TO:0000643 inflorescence bristle length
"An inflorescence morphology trait (TO:0000050) that is the length of the bristles found on an inflorescence (PO:0009049)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, PO:0009049, TO:moorel]
TO:0000373 ! inflorescence morphology trait
TO:0000644 relative root dry weight
"The relative (dry)weight of the root determined after a given treatment as compared to the one determined under normal conditions." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000078 ! root dry weight
TO:0000645 relative phosphorus concentration
TO:0000102 ! phosphorus sensitivityTO:0001024 ! phosphorus content
TO:0000646 cauline axillary branch number
TO:0002639 ! shoot branching
TO:0000647 relative acid phosphatase activity
TO:0000705 ! acid phosphatase activity trait
TO:0000648 relative phosphorus uptake
TO:0000102 ! phosphorus sensitivity
TO:0000649 peduncle width
"A peduncle morphology trait (TO:0000776) which is the width of a peduncle (PO:0025386)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, PO:0025386, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000776 ! peduncle morphology trait
TO:0000650 lemma length
"A lemma morphology trait (TO:1000023) which is the length of the lemma (PO:0009037)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, PATO:0000122, PO:0009037, TO:moorel]
TO:0002614 ! floral organ lengthTO:0000817 ! inflorescence bract lengthTO:1000023 ! lemma morphology trait
TO:0000651 flour color
TO:0000162 ! grain quality trait
TO:0000652 leaf necrosis
"A leaf morphology trait (TO:0000748) which is the leaf surface area affected by abiotic stresses like insecticides and cold temperature as evidenced by chlorotic and/or necrotic tissue." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000748 ! leaf morphology trait
TO:0000653 seed growth and development trait
"A multi-tissue plant structure development trait (TO:0000927) that has as primary participant a seed (PO:0009010)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000926 ! multi-tissue plant structure growth and development trait
TO:0000654 shoot system growth and development trait
"A plant structure growth and development trait (TO:0000928) that is a quality of the growth of the shoot system (PO:0009006), and shoot system development stages (PO:0025527)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000928 ! plant structure growth and development trait
TO:0000655 leaf growth and development trait
"A plant organ development trait (TO:0000927) that has as primary participant a leaf (PO:0025034)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000927 ! plant organ growth and development trait
TO:0000656 root development trait
"Traits associated with observing effects on the development of the root and its parts." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000927 ! plant organ growth and development trait
TO:0000657 spikelet morphology trait
"An inflorescence morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is a quality of a spikelet (PO:0009051)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, PO:0009051, TO:cooperl, TO:moorel]
TO:0000373 ! inflorescence morphology trait
TO:0000658 days to silk
"It is determined as the number of days from the seed sowing to the first visible silk (stigma) on the maize ear." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000359 ! female floweringTO:0000344 ! days to flowering trait
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