Rice Trait Ontology
TO:0000618 crushed grain percentage
"The percentage of cracked dehulled grain with at least one fourth of the size still intact." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000162 ! grain quality trait
TO:0000619 vivipary
"A phenomenon associated to the seeds that germinate before becoming detached or harvested from the parent plant. Thus the germination occurs before the seed undergoes dormancy." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000653 ! seed growth and development trait
TO:0000620 plant embryo development trait
"A whole plant growth and development trait (TO:0000947) that is a quality of a plant embryo development stage (PO:0007631)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000947 ! whole plant growth and development trait
TO:0000621 inflorescence development trait
"Traits associated with observing effects on the development of the inflorescence and its parts." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000283 ! biological process traitTO:0000654 ! shoot system growth and development trait
TO:0000622 flower development trait
"Traits associated with observing effects on the development of the flower and its parts." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000621 ! inflorescence development trait
TO:0000623 involucre bristle length
"An inflorescence bristle length trait (TO:0000643) that is the length of the bristles found on an involucre (PO:0009100)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000979 ! involucre morphology traitTO:0000271 ! inflorescence lengthTO:0000643 ! inflorescence bristle length
TO:0000624 allelopathic effect
"This is an assay of any direct or indirect, harmful or beneficial effect of one plant on another through the production of chemical compounds (allelochemicals) that escape in the environment." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000347 ! weed damage
TO:0000625 spikelet density
"A spikelet morphology trait (TO:0000657) which is the density of a spikelet (PO:0009051) in the inflorescence (PO:0009049) or on the given inflorescence branch (PO:0009081) order." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, PO:0009049, PO:0009051, PO:0009081, TO:moorel]
TO:0000657 ! spikelet morphology traitWTO:0000044 ! morphologyTO:0000800 ! inflorescence density
TO:0000626 relative phosphorus distribution between shoot and root
TO:0001024 ! phosphorus content
TO:0000627 relative phosphorus utilization efficiency
TO:0000102 ! phosphorus sensitivity
TO:0000628 pearl millet downy mildew resistance
"Causal agent
TO:0000439 ! fungal disease resistance
TO:0000629 days to tassel
"It is determined as the number of days from the seed sowing to the stage when either the pollen shedding or anther exsertion occurs on the maize tassel." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000365 ! male floweringTO:0000344 ! days to flowering trait
TO:0000630 pedicel length
"Length of the pedicel." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000641 ! inflorescence primary branch length
TO:0000631 green plantlet differentiation frequency
TO:0000243 ! in vitro regeneration ability
TO:0000632 green plantlet yield frequency
TO:0000243 ! in vitro regeneration ability
TO:0000633 relative total dry weight
TO:0000352 ! plant dry weight
TO:0000634 stem node number
"A stem morphology trait (TO:0000361) which is the number of stem nodes (PO:0020141)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000754 ! cardinal organ part morphology traitTO:0000953 ! stem number
TO:0000635 popping expansion volume
TO:0001069 ! cooking quality trait
TO:0000636 relative shoot dry weight
TO:0000552 ! shoot dry weight
TO:0000638 spike width
TO:0000804 ! inflorescence width
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