Rice Trait Ontology
TO:0000860 flower length
"A flower morphology trait (TO:0000499) which is the length of a flower (PO:0009046)." [PO:0009046, TO:moorel]
TO:0000499 ! flower morphology trait
TO:0000861 flower abscission zone morphology trait
"A flower morphology trait (TO:0000499) which is a quality of the flower abscission zone (PO:0006502)." [PO:0006502, TO:moorel]
TO:0000499 ! flower morphology trait
TO:0000862 floral organ morphology trait
"A plant organ morphology trait (TO:0000736) which is a quality of a floral organ (PO:0025395)." [PO:0025395, TO:moorel]
TO:0000736 ! plant organ morphology trait
TO:0000863 petal morphology trait
"A phyllome morphology trait (TO:0000747) which is a quality of a petal (PO:0009032)." [PO:0009032, TO:moorel]
TO:0000747 ! phyllome morphology traitTO:0000862 ! floral organ morphology trait
TO:0000864 sepal morphology trait
"A phyllome morphology trait (TO:0000747) which is a quality of a sepal (PO:0009031)." [PO:0009031, TO:moorel]
TO:0000747 ! phyllome morphology traitTO:0000862 ! floral organ morphology trait
TO:0000865 tepal morphology trait
"A phyllome morphology trait (TO:0000747) which is a quality of a tepal (PO:0009033)." [PO:0009033, TO:moorel]
TO:0000747 ! phyllome morphology traitTO:0000862 ! floral organ morphology trait
TO:0000866 sporophyll morphology trait
"A phyllome morphology trait (TO:0000747) which is a quality of a sporophyll (PO:0009026)." [PO:0009026, TO:moorel]
TO:0000747 ! phyllome morphology trait
TO:0000867 megasporophyll morphology trait
"A sporophyll morphology trait (TO:0000866) which is a quality of a megasporophyll (PO:0009027)." [PO:0009027, TO:moorel]
TO:0000866 ! sporophyll morphology trait
TO:0000868 microsporophyll morphology trait
"A sporophyll morphology trait (TO:0000866) which is a quality of a microsporophyll (PO:0009028)." [PO:0009028, TO:moorel]
TO:0000866 ! sporophyll morphology trait
TO:0000869 glume morphology trait
"An inflorescence bract morphology trait (TO:0000816) which is a quality of a glume (PO:0009039)." [PO:0009039, TO:moorel]
TO:0000816 ! inflorescence bract morphology trait
TO:0000870 leaf yield trait
"A shoot system yield trait (TO:0000327) which is comprised of leaves (PO:0025034) or parts of leaves." [TO:cooperl]
TO:0000327 ! shoot system yield trait
TO:0000871 fruit yield trait
"A shoot system yield trait (TO:0000327) which is the yield of fruits (PO:0009001)." [TO:cooperl]
TO:0000327 ! shoot system yield trait
TO:0000872 leaf erect
"A leaf attitude (TO:0000824) which is a leaf held upright away from the substrate or host." [TO:moorel]
TO:0000541 ! leaf positionTO:0000824 ! leaf attitude
TO:0000873 leaf prostrate
"A leaf attitude (TO:0000824) which is a leaf hanging straight down." [TO:moorel]
TO:0000541 ! leaf positionTO:0000824 ! leaf attitude
TO:0000874 leaf penduloum
"A leaf attitude (TO:0000824) which is a leaf laying flat against the substrate or host." [TO:moorel]
TO:0000824 ! leaf attitude
TO:0000875 leaf lamina splitting
"A leaf lamina morphology trait (TO:0000829) which is the splitting of a leaf lamina (PO:0020039)." [PO:0020039, TO:moorel]
TO:0000829 ! leaf lamina morphology trait
TO:0000876 spine leaf morphology trait
"A vascular leaf morphology trait (TO:0000419) which is a quality of a spine leaf (PO:0025173)." [PO:0025173, TO:moorel]
TO:0000419 ! vascular leaf morphology trait
TO:0000877 spine leaf size
"A spine leaf morphology trait (TO:0000876) which is the size of the spine leaf (PO:0025173)." [PO:0025173, TO:moorel]
TO:0000876 ! spine leaf morphology traitTO:0002637 ! leaf size
TO:0000878 spine leaf color
"A spine leaf morphology trait (TO:0000876) which is the color of the spine leaf (PO:0025173)." [PO:0025173, TO:moorel]
TO:0000876 ! spine leaf morphology traitTO:0000326 ! leaf color
TO:0000879 stem hairiness
"A stem morphology trait (TO:0000361) which is the presence or absence of hair on the stem (PO:0009047)." [PO:0009047, TO:moorel]
TO:0000361 ! stem morphology trait
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