Rice Trait Ontology
TO:0000820 leaf vein morphology trait
"A vascular leaf morphology trait (TO:0000419) which is a quality of a leaf lamina vein (PO:0020138)." [PO:0020138, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000419 ! vascular leaf morphology trait
TO:0000821 leaf vein size
"A leaf vein morphology trait (TO:0000820) which is the size of a leaf lamina vein (PO:0020138)." [PO:0020138, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000820 ! leaf vein morphology trait
TO:0000822 leaf midvein morphology trait
"A leaf vein morphology trait (TO:0000820) which is a quality of a leaf midvein (PO:0020139)." [PO:0020139, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000470 ! vascular tissue morphology traitTO:0000820 ! leaf vein morphology trait
TO:0000823 leaf midvein thickness
"A leaf midvein morphology trait (TO:0000822) which is the thickness of a leaf midvein (PO:0020139)." [PO:0020139, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000822 ! leaf midvein morphology traitTO:0000258 ! leaf thickness
TO:0000824 leaf attitude
"A leaf morphology trait (TO:0000748) which is the attitude of a leaf (PO:0025034)." [PO:0025034, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000748 ! leaf morphology trait
TO:0000825 leaf flexibility
"A leaf morphology trait (TO:0000748) which is the flexibility of a leaf (PO:0025034)." [PO:0025034, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000748 ! leaf morphology trait
TO:0000826 leaf volume
"A leaf morphology trait (TO:0000748) which is the volume of a leaf (PO:0025034)." [PO:0025034, TO:cooperl]
TO:0002637 ! leaf size
TO:0000827 leaf lamina area
"A leaf lamina morphology trait (TO:0000829) which is the area of a leaf lamina (PO:0020039)." [PO:0020039, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000829 ! leaf lamina morphology trait
TO:0000828 leaf cover
"A leaf morphology trait (TO:0000748) which is a quality of the cover of a leaf (PO:0025034)." [PO:0025034, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000748 ! leaf morphology trait
TO:0000829 leaf lamina morphology trait
"A cardinal organ part morphology trait (TO:0000754) which is a quality of a leaf lamina (PO:0020039)." [PO:0020039]
TO:0000754 ! cardinal organ part morphology trait
TO:0000830 leaf lamina margin morphology trait
"A leaf margin morphology trait (TO:0002635)which is a quality of a leaf lamina margin (PO:0025009)." [PO:0025009, TO:moorel]
TO:0002635 ! leaf margin morphology trait
TO:0000831 adult leaf morphology trait
"A vascular leaf morphology trait (TO:0000419) which is a quality of an adult vascular leaf (PO:0006340)." [PO:0006340, TO:moorel]
TO:0000419 ! vascular leaf morphology trait
TO:0000832 flag leaf morphology trait
"An adult vascular leaf morphology trait (TO:0000831) which is a quality of a flag leaf (PO:0020103)." [PO:0020103, TO:moorel]
TO:0000831 ! adult leaf morphology trait
TO:0000833 organ margin morphology trait
"A cardinal organ part morphology trait (TO:0000754) which is a quality of a organ margin (PO:0025005)." [PO:0025005, TO:moorel]
TO:0000754 ! cardinal organ part morphology trait
TO:0000834 phyllome margin morphology trait
"An organ margin morphology trait (TO:0000833) which is a quality of a phyllome margin (PO:0025018)." [PO:0025018, TO:moorel]
TO:0000833 ! organ margin morphology trait
TO:0000835 leaf sheath morphology trait
"A cardinal organ part morphology trait (TO:0000754) which is a quality of a leaf sheath (PO:0020104)." [PO:0020104, TO:moorel]
TO:0000754 ! cardinal organ part morphology trait
TO:0000836 multi-tissue plant structure morphology trait
"A plant structure morphology trait (TO:0000839) which is a quality of a multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025496)." [PO:0025496, TO:moorel]
TO:0000839 ! plant structure morphology trait
TO:0000837 cardinal part of a multi-tissue plant structure morphology trait
"A plant structure morphology trait (TO:0000839) which is a quality of a cardinal organ part of a multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025498)." [PO:0025498, TO:moorel]
TO:0000839 ! plant structure morphology trait
TO:0000838 seed coat morphology trait
"A portion of plant tissue morphology trait (TO:0000843) which is a quality of the seed coat (PO:0009088)." [PO:0009088, TO:moorel]
TO:0000843 ! portion of plant tissue morphology trait
TO:0000839 plant structure morphology trait
"A plant morphology trait (TO:0000017) which is a quality of a plant structure (PO:0009011)." [PO:0009011, TO:cooperl, TO:moorel]
TO:0000017 ! plant morphology trait
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