Rice Trait Ontology
TO:0000720 leaf midrib color
TO:0000719 ! leaf vein color
TO:0000721 leaf adherence
"A leaf morphology trait (TO:0000748) which is a tightly rolled leaf encasing the next emerging leaf (PO:0025034)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, PO:0025034, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000748 ! leaf morphology trait
TO:0000722 sporocyte development trait
"Traits associated with observing effects on the sporocyte development." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0002686 ! cell growth and development trait
TO:0000723 microsporocyte development trait
"Traits associated with observing effects on the microsporocyte development." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000722 ! sporocyte development trait
TO:0000724 megasporocyte development trait
"Traits associated with observing effects on the megasporocyte development." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000722 ! sporocyte development trait
TO:0000725 megasporocyte number
"A count of the number of megasporocyte that is done to determine any increase or decrease in number." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000724 ! megasporocyte development traitTO:0002683 ! plant cell morphology trait
TO:0000726 microsporocyte number
"A count of the number of microsporocyte that is done to determine any increase or decrease in number." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0002683 ! plant cell morphology traitTO:0000723 ! microsporocyte development trait
TO:0000727 sporogenesis
"The formation of spores." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000283 ! biological process trait
TO:0000728 cell cycle trait
"The traits associated with various developmental landmarks and processes of cell division during either the meiotic cell cycle or mitotic cell cycle." [R:pj]
TO:0000283 ! biological process traitTO:0002686 ! cell growth and development trait
TO:0000729 meiotic cell cycle trait
"The traits associated with various developmental landmarks and processes of cell division during either the meiotic cell cycle." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000728 ! cell cycle trait
TO:0000730 mitotic cell cycle trait
"The traits associated with various developmental landmarks and processes of cell division during the mitotic cell cycle." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000728 ! cell cycle trait
TO:0000731 lignin content
"Measures the lignin content in a plant or plant part." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000281 ! metabolite content trait
TO:0000732 lignin monomer content
TO:0000731 ! lignin content
TO:0000733 lignin biosynthesis trait
"Traits associated with the biosynthesis of lignin in a plant or plant part." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000283 ! biological process trait
TO:0000734 grain length
"A caryopsis fruit morphology trait (TO:0001079) which is the length of a grain (caryopsis fruit; PO:0030104)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, TO:moorel]
TO:0000397 ! grain sizeTO:0002626 ! fruit length
TO:0000735 plastochron
"The time between the initiation of two leaves on the shoot apical meristem is called a plastochron." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000655 ! leaf growth and development trait
TO:0000736 plant organ morphology trait
"A multi-tissue plant structure morphology trait (TO:0000836) which is a quality of a plant organ (PO:0009008)." [PO:0009008, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000836 ! multi-tissue plant structure morphology trait
TO:0000737 plant aspect
"A whole plant morphology trait (TO:0000398) that is a qualitative score of the visual appeal (ideotype) of the whole plant (PO:0000003)." [TO:curators]
TO:0000398 ! whole plant morphology trait
TO:0000738 plant axis morphology trait
"A plant organ morphology trait (TO:0000736) which is a quality of a plant axis (PO:0025004)." [PO:0025004, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000736 ! plant organ morphology trait
TO:0000739 shoot axis morphology trait
"A plant axis morphology trait (TO:0000738) which is a quality of a shoot axis (PO:0025029)." [PO:0025029, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000738 ! plant axis morphology trait
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