Rice Trait Ontology
TO:0000265 light quality sensitivity
"Response shown by the plant in the presence of a light quality stress." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000075 ! light sensitivity
TO:0000266 chalky endosperm
"An endosperm morphology trait (TO:0000575) which is the chalkiness of an endosperm (PO:0009089) on the scale of (a) white belly, (b) white center or (c) white back." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, IRRI:SES, TO:moorel]
TO:0000575 ! endosperm morphology trait
TO:0000267 inflorescence type
"An inflorescence morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is the variation in the type of inflorescence, whether due to extent and number of branching, branch angles or modified form of the inflorescence (PO:0009049)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, PO:0009049, TO:moorel]
TO:0000373 ! inflorescence morphology trait
TO:0000268 inflorescence shape
"An inflorescence morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is the shape of an inflorescence (PO:0009049)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, PO:0009049, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000373 ! inflorescence morphology trait
TO:0000269 100-grain weight
"A grain weight (TO:0000919) which is the weight of a sample of 100 grains (caryopsis fruit; PO:0030104), with the caryopsis hull (PO:0006000)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, IRRI:SES, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000919 ! grain weight
TO:0000270 inflorescence axis angle
"An inflorescence axis morphology trait (TO:0000782) which is the angle of an inflorescence axis (PO:0020122)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, PO:0020122, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000782 ! inflorescence axis morphology trait
TO:0000271 inflorescence length
TO:0006031 ! inflorescence size
TO:0000272 plant survivability
TO:0000273 armyworm resistance
"Causal agent
TO:0000261 ! insect damage resistanceWTO:0000233 ! insect resistance
TO:0000274 spikelet floret morphology trait
"A flower morphology trait (TO:0000499) which is a quality of a spikelet floret (PO:0009082)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, TO:cooperl, TO:moorel]
TO:0000499 ! flower morphology trait
TO:0000275 perianth morphology trait
"A collective phyllome structure morphology trait (TO:0000845) which is a quality of a perianth (PO:0009058)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, PO:0009058, TO:cooperl, TO:moorel]
TO:0000845 ! collective phyllome structure morphology trait
TO:0000276 drought tolerance
"Becoming tolerant to drought like conditions of minimal or no water content in the growth environment." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000394 ! drought related traitWTO:0000259 ! response to water deficiency
TO:0000277 biochemical trait
"A plant trait (TO:0000387) which is a quality of a chemical entity (CHEBI:24431), a plant metabolite (CHEBI:76924), or a molecular function (GO:0003674), which occurs in a cellular component (GO:0005575), plant anatomical entity (PO:0025131) or during a plant structure development stage (PO:0009012)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000387 ! plant trait
TO:0000278 root to shoot ratio
"The ratio determined from the parameters evaluated for root length and the shoot length in a study." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000043 ! root morphology trait
TO:0000279 root weight
"A root morphology trait (TO:0000043) which is the weight of a root (PO:0009005)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000043 ! root morphology trait
TO:0000280 seedling vigor
"Represents the seedling growth of the plant." [IRRI:SES]
WTO:0000021 ! growthTO:0000296 ! vegetative vigor
TO:0000281 metabolite content trait
"The trait associated with an assay to determine the affected metabolite's profile." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000277 ! biochemical trait
TO:0000282 enzymatic activity and protein content related trait
TO:0000283 biological process trait
"A plant trait (TO:0000387) which is a process quality (PATO:0001236) of a biological process (GO:0008150) which occurs in a plant anatomical entity (PO:0025131), a cellular component (GO:0005575), or during a plant structure development stage (PO:0009012)." [GO:0008150, Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000387 ! plant trait
TO:0000284 ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase activity trait
"Catalysis of the reaction
TO:0000599 ! enzyme activity trait
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