Rice Trait Ontology
TO:0000184 seed morphology trait
"A multi-tissue plant structure morphology trait (TO:0000836) which is a quality of a seed (PO:0009010)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, PO:0009010, TO:moorel]
TO:0000836 ! multi-tissue plant structure morphology trait
TO:0000185 stigma color
"Color of the stigma in a blossoming flower." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, IRRI:SES]
TO:0000754 ! cardinal organ part morphology traitTO:0006012 ! carpel morphology trait
TO:0000186 environmental stress related trait
TO:0000187 anther color
"An anther morphology trait (TO:1000022) which is the color (PATO:0000014) of an anther (PO:0009066)" [TO:austin_meier]
TO:1000022 ! anther morphology traitWTO:0000044 ! morphology
TO:0000188 drought sensitivity
"Drought sensitivity is highly interactive with crop phenology, plant growth prior to stress, and timing, duration, and intensity of drought stress. For many soils, it takes at least 2 rainless weeks to cause marked differences in drought sensitivity during the vegetative stage and at least 7 rainless days during the reproductive stage to cause severe drought injury. Leaf rolling precedes leaf drying during drought. Repeated ratings are recommended through progress of the drought." [IRRI:SES]
TO:0000394 ! drought related trait
TO:0000189 embryoless
"An embryo morphology trait (TO:0000064) which is the absence of embryo in the developing seed." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, TO:moorel]
TO:0000620 ! plant embryo development traitTO:0000064 ! plant embryo morphology trait
TO:0000190 seed coat color
"A seed coat morphology trait (TO:0000838) which is the color of the seed coat (PO:0009088)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, IRRI:SES, PO:0009088, TO:moorel]
TO:0000838 ! seed coat morphology trait
TO:0000191 rice hispa resistance
"Causal agent
TO:0000261 ! insect damage resistance
TO:0000192 leaf-roller resistance
"Causal agent
TO:0000261 ! insect damage resistance
TO:0000193 embryo shape
"An embryo morphology trait (TO:0000064) which is the shape of a plant embryo (PO:0009009)." [PO:0009009, TO:moorel]
TO:0000064 ! plant embryo morphology trait
TO:0000194 globular embryo
"An embryo shape trait (TO:0000193) which is a globular plant embryo (PO:0009009)." [PO:0009009, TO:moorel]
TO:0000193 ! embryo shape
TO:0000195 shootless embryo
"A plant embryo morphology trait (TO:0000064) which is an embryo of the germinating seed not producing a shoot." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, TO:moorel]
TO:0000620 ! plant embryo development traitTO:0000064 ! plant embryo morphology trait
TO:0000196 amylose content
"A polysaccharide content trait (TO:0006007) which is the amount of amylose (CHEBI:28102) in a plant structure (PO:0009011)." [IRRI:SES, ISBN:198506732]
TO:0006007 ! polysaccharide content
TO:0000197 ligule color
"A ligule morphology trait (TO:0002748) which is the color of a ligule (PO:0020105)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, IRRI:SES, PO:0020105, TO:cooperl]
TO:0000326 ! leaf colorTO:0002748 ! ligule morphology trait
TO:0000198 rootless
"Absence of roots in the seedling or plant." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000656 ! root development trait
TO:0000199 genic male sterility
TO:0000106 ! male sterility type
TO:0000200 brittle culm
"A measure of brittleness of the stem of a grass plant." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000051 ! stem strength
TO:0000201 panicle inflorescence color
"A panicle inflorescence morphology trait (TO:0000847) which is the variation in color of the panicle inflorescence (PO:0030123)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000847 ! panicle inflorescence morphology traitTO:0000581 ! inflorescence color
TO:0000202 germination ratio
"Ratio of germinated to non-germinated seeds." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal]
TO:0000250 ! plant vigor traitTO:0000345 ! seed viability
TO:0000203 rice bacterial leaf streak disease resistance
"Causal agent
TO:0000315 ! bacterial disease resistance
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