pericarp color
ID TO:0000707
DEFINITION "A pericarp morphology trait (TO:0000945) that is the color of the pericarp (PO:0009084)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, TO:cooperl]
XREF PATO:0000014TO_GIT:292
COMMENT Pericarp is the wall of a fruit, developed from the ovary or carpel wall. Also scored for grain color or color of the dehulled grain in grasses.
SYNONYM "PERICARPCL (related)" RELATED []"dehulled grain color (related)" RELATED []"DHULGRCL (related)" RELATED []"grain color (related)" RELATED []"bran color (related)" RELATED []
IS_A TO:0000945 ! pericarp morphology trait
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