milled grain color
ID TO:0000385
DEFINITION "A grain color (TO:0002617) trait which is the color of dehulled, milled grain (caryopsis fruit; PO:0030104)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, PATO:0000014, TO:cooperl, TO:moorel]
XREF PATO:0000014
COMMENT Dehulled, milled grains have had the caryopsis hull (PO:0006000) removed, as well as the pericarp (PO:0009084), aleurone layer (PO:0005360) and germ (plant embryo; PO:0009009). Refers to color PATO:0000014
SYNONYM "GRCL (related)" RELATED []"MGRCL (related)" RELATED []
IS_A TO:0001109 ! grain color trait
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