leaf width
ID TO:0000370
DEFINITION "A leaf morphology trait (TO:0000748) which is the width of a leaf (PO:0025034)." [IRRI:SES, PO:0025034, TO:cooperl, TO:moorel]
XREF PATO:0000921TO_GIT:247MaizeGDB_QTL:61714
COMMENT Actual measurements, in centimeters of the widest portion of the leaf. To be precise use the children terms leaf lamina width (TO:0002720) or 'leaf sheath width (TO:0002721). Refers to width (PATO:0000921) A 1-D extent quality which is equal to the distance from one side of an object to another side which is opposite. If you are annotating to this term, please add an additional annotation to vascular leaf morphology (TO:0000419) or non-vascular leaf morphology trait (TO:0000925), depending on the species.
SYNONYM "LFWD (related)" RELATED []"lfwid (related)" RELATED [MaizeGDB_QTL:61714]"LW (related)" RELATED []
IS_A TO:0002637 ! leaf size
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