lemma and palea color
ID TO:0000264
DEFINITION "A lemma and palea morphology trait (TO:0000079) which is the color of the lemma (PO:0009037) and the palea (PO:0009038)." [Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal, IRRI:SES, PO:0009037, PO:0009038, TO:moorel]
XREF PATO:0000014
COMMENT Refer to color PATO:0000014
SYNONYM "LEMPALCL (related)" RELATED []"palea color (related)" RELATED []"LEMCL (related)" RELATED []"PALCL (related)" RELATED []"LmPC (related)" RELATED []"Lemma color (related)" RELATED []
IS_A TO:0000079 ! flower bract morphology trait
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